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Another solution for improving writing skills was called generative and evaluative
computerized pron^ting (Bonk & Reynolds, 1990). Bonk and Reynolds conducted a
study using a generative and evaluative computerized prompting framework to improve
writing skills of sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students and found that prompts
improved the students from making changes in their writing assignments. The
computerized prompts wUl work if the writer had the software and up-to-date conq)uters
to utilize during instruction which you could see here The present writer did not incorporate this prompting by
con^uters while the students were writing because she did not have the power base.


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    [select kurs-veranstaltung "Bitte wählen Sie..." "Schnupperkurs 26.08." "Schnupperkurs 30.09." "Schnupperkurs 28.10." "Intensivkurs A1.1" "Chinesisch 4.2 für Kinder" "CHINESISCH A1.1" "CHINESISCH A1.2" "CHINESISCH A1.3" "CHINESISCH A2.1" "CHINESISCH A2.2" "CHINESISCH A2.3" "CHINESISCH B1.1" "CHINESISCH B1.2" "CHINESISCH B1.3" "CHINESISCH B1.4" "CHINESISCH B1.5" "CHINESISCH B1.6" "CHINESISCH B2.1" "CHINESISCH C1.2" "CHINESISCH C1.8" "CHINESISCH C2.7" "Wirtschaftschinesisch 5.2" "Konversation HSK 4.1" "Schriftzeichenkunde 1.1" "Einzelunterricht" "06.09. Kulturworkshop: Mondkuchen-Kostprobe" "25.10. Kulturworkshop: Chinesische Kalligraphie]

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